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Alternative/Complementary Therapy Insurance Coverage

As an alternative, and, in turn, great, way to ward off or help with conditions, an increasing number of Americans have turned to therapies like acupuncture, massages, chiropractic care, and others. As the popularity of these treatments rise, health insurance companies are adopting alternative and complementary care coverage to further assist your needs.

These alternative means to treatment are used in place of traditional medicines and prescription drugs. There are several different types of therapy, classified by the Health’s Office of Alternative Medicine, of which includes herbal medicine, bioelectromagnetic and pharmacologic therapy.

Choosing Alternative and Complementary Coverage

There are several things to look for if you are thinking about adding complementary coverage to your current insurance policy, or just about to purchase a new one with that coverage on it. You should first find out what will be covered; if you are in need of a specific coverage, ensure that the insurance company you are with or choosing has it so that you can be worry-free in this aspect.

In addition, you should find out if there are limits to how many and what kind of treatments you are permitted to and prohibited from. There may also be an in-the-network only requirement in terms of physicians, for which you can only consult with doctors that are in a designated network.

Obviously, one of the most important things to check for is the amount of deductibles and co-payments you will have to handle. Tailor them to your needs and set budgets so that you do not exceed more than you can pay for and will not pay for more than is necessary.