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Insurance Buying Guide

Policies in each state vary considerably, and in some rural areas, it will be difficult to find affordable health insurance by yourself. Some association plans offer good rates, but are largely unavailable in a number of states. Here are some tips on what to do if you are having a difficult time finding low‐cost health insurance.

Shop Online

Firstly, check quotes online. Online Instant Quotes offers free quotes to anyone who requests them, and they may be the best way for you to find out about the cheap healthcare coverage in your area.

Additionally, visit the state insurance department’s web site of the state that you live in to find companies that sell certain types of coverage in your general area. This is a good place to find a company’s record of complaints, if it has any.

Find a Broker

Locating a broker who knows about the insurance in your area. A broker can assist you with finding the companies to stay away from based on reputation.

Consider COBRA

If you have been laid off from a job from which you received group coverage, look into eligibility for COBRA. COBRA is a good deal for those of poor health and also lets you keep the doctors that you want. If your previous employer has more than 19 employees, then your coverage will continue for at most another year and a half, but it is better to move on to another coverage, as you may end up paying for the entire thing yourself.

Find a Group for Coverage
Where individual insurance may not be an option, you can join an organization that offers group insurance. From banks to credit unions to your own insurance company, you can find an association with group insurance very easily, although the prices may be higher as several other people may turn to them at the same times.